Catherine has been working at Park View, a residential care facility in Hull’s County Road for over 13 years. Park View provides care and accommodation for up to 14 adults who have learning disabilities and physical needs.
Catherine, as well as all the other residential care workers, help to look after and care for vulnerable adults who have complex needs, many of which cannot communicate verbally, but communicate in other ways, such as using facial expressions, body language or sounds.
“They ensure they understand everyone’s individual needs and preferences for how their care and support should be delivered, and they achieve this by working closely, building relationships, with people and their families to really understand their individual communication preferences.
“Our role is to make sure everyone is comfortable, clean and are enjoying their life. Each person has their own specifically designed wheelchair which is tailored to their needs, this allows them to have their own independence as much as possible.”
The residential care workers also work with and help to support the whole family.
Catherine said:
“Unfortunately, one of the ladies who I look after, her mum and dad, struggled to get out of their house and come to see their daughter,” she said. “We take her to see them, helping to keep the family together as much as possible, keeping their relationship strong.”